Thursday, June 5, 2008

A very long week

Some of you may be wondering why I haven't posted for a while. Well I have been extremely busy watching all three of the Lord of the Ring movies with my husband. He has been bugging me to watch them ever since we got married and I finally gave in. Well we finally finished them, whew. Actually, I enjoyed watching them more than I thought I would--but I was still glad when it ended. They should have made it into 4 movies--the length of the last one about did me in. Of course Brian want's to see the extended versions (hopefully on Blu-Ray) now--hopefully it will be a while before that comes out!

Sunday, June 1, 2008

New Blog

We accidentally let our domain,, expire and someone bought it before we could re-new it. They wanted us to pay $200 to buy it back so I told Brian that I would just start a blogspot account. So for those of you who have my link on your blog be sure and change it to