Friday, December 19, 2008

Wherefore, my beloved brethren, have miracles ceased because Christ hath ascended into heaven...? Behold I say unto you, Nay

Today Brian and I found out we are having twins! We have known for a while that I was pregnant, but we were told at our first ultra-sound that one of the babies wasn't going to make it, and there was some concern about the other one's heart. At my second ultra-sound we couldn't even see a 2nd baby, but we were happy to know that the other baby's heart was doing fine. So when we went in today to check on what we thought was just one baby, we were shocked to find that baby # 2 was alive and kicking. Both babies look great and seem to be healthy and are right on schedule as far as their size goes.


Lexi said...

Yay! That is such awesome news! I am so excited for you! Twins?! They will be so fun to dress up. And lucky you, you get twice as many giggles, coo's, hugs and kisses! That's the best Christmas present ever. Congrats!

heather said...

That just made me cry...congratulations!!!!!!

Alayne said...

Congratulations! How very exciting :)I'm a little jealous....I've always wanted twins.

Cecily said...

Again, congratulations. Now we just have to wait four more weeks to find out what gender they are and then the preparations can really begin. We are so happy for you guys.

Unknown said...

I am so excited for you! Good luck with twins :)

Kathy said...

I am so excited for the good news. It just made my day. I am so happy for you I want to call you! I can't wait to visit next summer and see both the babies! Love ya!

Jessica said...

Betsy...I am so excited for you and your growing family. Congratulations, I bet you are a wonderful mommy!

Jeni said...

Oh YAY! Congratulations!

Sarah said...

I just read your post!! I really should get better at reading my friends' blogs!! I'm so happy for you!!! Twins!! It's so exciting!!

Jules said...

Betsy! So excited for you! Congrats! I've been praying and sending good vibes your way for a long time because you guys deserve it more than anyone! We need to get together one of these days to catch up!

Unknown said...

Yeah! I saw on your facebook profile that you were hoping to feel like eating again, and I wondered if you were pregnant!! And twins! Yeah! :) How wonderful for you...Miraculous indeed. :)

Layton Clan said...
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