Friday, May 15, 2009

My Facebook account has been hacked!

For all of you who are friends of mine on Facebook, you probably got a strange email request from my facebook account. I DID NOT SEND IT! It appears someone has hacked into my facebook and hotmail account and changed my password so I can't get on them. I am trying to get everything restored and then of course I will change it all. Brian and I are fine. Other than being tired all the time, the pregnancy is going really well. The babies are very healthy and so far they show no signs of wanting to come too early. And, we are not in any financial trouble at all (thank goodness). Hopefully, whoever hacked my accounts won't be able to get too much info about me.

1 comment:

Sarah said...

How does this happen?? I'm sorta freaked out right now... I'm glad the babies are doing well. I'm almost finished with your blankets and I really want to send them before the babies come. I kept thinking I had all this time and all of the sudden, I don't!! I need to hurry!! Glad you're doing ok. We will be there July 9-14th, so let's plan to get together at some point!!